Saturday, December 19, 2009

O Radix: O Root of Jesse - December 19

O Radix: O Root of Jesse

Tonight the third of the O Antiphons is recited as we call on Jesus to come, his kingship is prophesized and fulfilled from the Root of Jesse who is King David’s father. A king is promised to ‘sprout from the stump’ of King David’s family tree, and a ‘bud shall blossom’ coming to fulfillment in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Our Adonai, Lord from last night is at the same time man with flesh and blood and he came to us at the first Christmas and he is coming again. We have been grafted to His Root, the Root of Jesse, in our Baptism. In order for our graft to grow it must remain moist with baptismal water. Jesus draws everyone to himself so be sober and vigilant for He Is the Vine, and through his grace, we are the branches, come quickly to deliver us Lord Jesus.

O Radix

O Root of Jesse
who stands for an ensign before the people,
before whom kings are mute and to whom the nations will do homage:
Come quickly to deliver us,

This antiphon is based on the following scripture:

Isaiah 11:1-2 “But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.”

Isaiah 11-10 "On that day, the root of Jesse, set up as a signal for the nations, the Gentiles shall seek out, for his dwelling shall be glorious."

Isaiah 52:13 “See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted.”

Isaiah 52:15 “So shall he startle many nations, because of him kings shall stand speechless; For those who have not been told shall see, those who have not heard shall ponder it.”

Isaiah 53:2 “He grew up like a sapling before him, like a shoot from the parched earth; There was in him no stately bearing to make us look at him, nor appearance that would attract us to him.” (only God appreciated Jesus’ true greatness)

Psalms 72:8-11 “May his foes kneel before him, his enemies lick the dust. May the kings of Tarshish and the islands bring tribute, the kings of Arabia and Seba offer gifts. May all kings bow before him, all nations serve him.”

Luke 1:32-33 “He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”

John 12:31-32 “Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.”

I Peter 5:8 “Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Veni, O Iesse virgula,
ex hostis tuos ungula,
de spectu tuos tartari
educ et antro barathri.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse's stem,
from ev'ry foe deliver them
that trust Thy mighty power to save,
and give them vict'ry o'er the grave.

From the Splendor of Truth,

Blessed Advent Season
Lynn's Timeless Treasures 


The Jesse Tree by Jan Mostaert

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