Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Saint Apollonia Patroness of Dentists and Dental Ailments

February 9
Saint Apollonia
Patron Saint of Dentistry
Patron of Those with Dental Ailments

Today my husband goes to the dentist. It is his practice to go at least once every five years. Usually something happens that necessitates a visit. This time is no different. A lose filling cannot be fixed with Duct Tape or Gorilla Glue so a professional he must seek.

Today, February 9, is the feast day of Saint Apollonia, the patroness of dentists and dental ailments. Saint Apollonia was born in the third century and lived in Alexandria, Egypt. She spent her entire life preaching the word of God. In the year 249 under the reign of Emperor Phillip in Alexandria, a great crowd rose against the Christians, many perished rather than deny Jesus as the true God. Saint Apollonia was the most famous of these martyrs.

An aged virgin, captured and brought before a pagan court to be tried, Saint Apollonia was asked by the judge to state her name. She replied, “I am a Christian and I love and serve the true God.” Enraged by this statement her persecutors turned to torture, smashing and knocking out her teeth. Faced with denying Jesus or being thrown into a raging fire, Saint Apollonia stood firm. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, rather than deny her faith, she jumped into the burning fire herself. Saint Augustine attributed her voluntary martyrdom to the Holy Spirit and compared her sacrifice to that of Samson in the Old Testament, who, with the help of God, pulled down the pillars of the Temple in Jerusalem, killing himself and all of his Philistine captors.

The more I pray to God for guidance to do His will, the more I am shown a little glimpse of His presence in the life of my family. Today, the Feast of Saint Apollonia, God again gave me a subtle reminder that He and His heavenly Saints and Angels truly do walk with my family daily.

Saint Apollonia, Pray for Us.

This program is produced by


Saint Apollonia by Francisco de Zurbaran
Lives of the Saints, Fr. Alban Butler
Treasurey of Women Saints, Edited by Bart Tesoriero

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