Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day - Perform good works all the days of your life. (Tobit 4:5)

Labor Day

From today's Morning Offering we pray: With confidence in God’s love for us:

Response: Look kindly on your servants, O Lord, our God.

You have called some to serve by work and some to serve by waiting:
Grant just working conditions to laborers and hope to the unemployed. – Response

You have called some to serve in public ways and some to serve in the privacy of the home: Keep us all faithful to the tasks you have given us. – Response

You have called some to serve in religious ministries and some to serve in the secular world:  Fix our focus on the Gospel wherever we serve. – Response

You have called some to serve in active ways and some to serve by suffering:
Sustain us all in faith, hope, and love. – Response

O God, the giver of all good gifts, you give the gift of work as a blessing and as task. In whatever work you have given us to do, small or great, grant that we may serve with love and praise with joy, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

My brother-in-law Mark runs our ranch on the Sacramento Delta. This has been in our family for 120 years give or take. The following video is, well… all in a day’s work.

May the goodness of the Lord be upon us,
and give success to the work of our hands. (Psalm 89:17)

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