Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Saint Mark - April 25

Saint Mark
April 25

Jesus said to them, “Go into the whole world
and proclaim the Gospel to every creature

Mark 16:15)
Saint Papias (ca. AD 60 -140) wrote in Eusebius, History of the Church book 3 chapter 39, “When Mark, became the interpreter of Peter, he wrote down accurately whatever he remembered, though not in order, of the words and deeds of the Lord.  He was neither hearer nor follower of the Lord; but such he was afterwards, as I say, of Peter… Mark, then, made no mistake, but wrote things down as he remembered them; and he made it his concern to omit nothing that he had heard nor to falsify anything therein.” 

Although not one of the 12 apostles, tradition credits Saint Mark as the author of the second Gospel.  The heading “according to Mark” appears in the earliest manuscripts (from the third century) of the second Gospel.  Saint Luke writes in the Acts of the Apostles, after Peter was freed of his chains by an angel of the Lord, “he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John who is called Mark, where there were many people gathered in prayer.” (Acts 12:12).  This John who is called Mark, is identified as Saint Mark the Evangelist, a disciple of Simon Peter.  Mark's Gospel is based on Peter’s preaching in Rome.

After the death of Peter, Mark went to Alexandria in Egypt where he became the bishop.  It is here that tradition holds he was martyred.

Mark is also connected to Venice, where his relics were brought in 828 by Venetian merchants who hid the body of Saint Mark in a crate under large slabs of pig meat.  Muslim inspectors disgusted at the sight of pig meat searched the crate no further and the remains of Saint Mark were delivered to Venice the city to which he is patron saint.  His symbol, the winged lion can be found throughout the city.  
During liturgical year B most of our Gospel readings will come from the shortest of the four Gospels, the Gospel according to Saint Mark.
For items related to the Catholic Church
please visit Lynn's Timeless Treasures
Saint Mark Enthroned - Titian - Church of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
Columns of San Marco and San Theodoro - Saint Mark's Square Venice Italy - Momboisse Family Adventures 2001

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