Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 42 - 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge - Judges 17 - 21 - The Great Adventure A Journey Through the Bible

Day 42 

Judges 17-21

Bible Time Period: Conquest and Judges 
You led Israel triumphantly into the Promised Land.  They failed to teach their children, and instead did what was right in their own eyes:  Help me to keep my eyes on you and teach others what is truly right. 

Beloved Heavenly Father, we know that we disappoint You and damage our relationship with You when we are weak and yield to the temptations to sin.  Too often we judge our actions by what seems to be “right” in our eyes instead of what is right according to the moral law You gave us in the Ten Commandments and in the teachings of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ.  The grace to complete forgiveness for sins and reconciliation with You was not available to the Israelites under the Sinai Covenant.  Yet, they had Your gift of partial reconciliation through the blood atonement of animal sacrifice followed by the pronouncement of forgiveness for their inadvertent sins through Your ordained priests.  We are grateful, Father, that in this Final Age of mankind that You have given us the means to completely reconcile ourselves with You through the unblemished sacrifice and atoning blood of our Savior.  Jesus Christ.  It is through Jesus’ sacrifice, and by the agency of His priestly representative, that our sins are forgiven and we return to communion with You and Your Church.  Send Your Holy Spirit to guide us in our last lesson on the sin that pervaded the lives of many of the covenant people in the age of Israel’s Judges.  We pray this in the name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Amen.  (Agape Catholic Bible Study, Lesson 7)

Today's Reading
Judges 17 - 21

Discussion Boards Day 42
Agape Catholic Bible Study Commentary Judges 16 -18
Agape Catholic Bible Study Commentary Judges 19 - 21


For items devotional items related to the Catholic Church 

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Samson in the Temple of Dagon - Gustave Dore

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