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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 85 - 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge - Acts 5 - 8 Great Adventure A Journey Through the Bible

Day 85 

Acts 5-8 

Bible Time Period:  The Church 
The Church carries on your work in the world:  Make me a faithful ambassador of your love.

Heavenly Father, You promised us the gift of eternal salvation, and You promised us Your love and abiding presence, but You never promised that we would not face suffering in this earthly existence.  We understand that You have revealed to us the full depth of the injustice and gravity of the suffering of the innocent in the humanity of Your Son when He united Himself to the suffering of mankind.  In the suffering of Jesus, You revealed the dimension of the suffering of the innocent that can be transformed into a redemptive suffering “a suffering transformed and redeemed through the cross of Christ.”  Send Your Holy Spirit to guide us, Lord, in our study as we read about the suffering and death of the first Christian martyr, St. Stephen, and the hope You gave him in his final moments of the glorified Christ coming to clam him as His own.  It is hope all Christians long to embrace.  We pray in the name of God the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Agape Catholic Bible Study, Lesson 4 Acts of Apostles)

Today's Reading

Discussion Boards Day 85

Agape Catholic Bible Study - Acts 4-6
Acts 7 - 8


For items devotional items related to the Catholic Church 

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Martyrdom of Saint Stephen - Triptych - Peter Paul Rubens

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