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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Eucharistic Miracle - Blanot, France - 1331

Eucharistic Miracle
Body and Blood
Blanot, France - 1331
Feast Day - Corpus Christi 

The small village of Blanot is located in the Sanoe-et-Loire (Burgundy region) in the eastern-center of France.  The parish church is located at the southern end of town on Route de Liernais. 
Eucharistic Miracle 

In this little church on Easter Sunday, March 31 ,1331, Father Hugo de Baulmes was celebrating Mass. At this time communion was distributed more reverently than it is today. When it was time to receive the Holy Eucharist the congregation would approach the altar rail, kneel and place their hands under the rail.  The altar servers would stand at either end of the rail and hold a long linen cloth over the railing.  Father would then proceed down the altar rail and place the Host into the mouth of each communicant.  

The Host feel from one of the communicants mouth and landed on the linen cloth (which is exactly why it is there). Father was altered to the incident, but when he tried to pick up the Host it disappeared and a spot of blood the same size as the Host appeared on the cloth.  

Father attempted to wash the Blood out of the cloth but it only spread.  So he cut the Bloody imprint of the Host out of the cloth and placed it in the tabernacle. 

A few weeks later an investigation was begun by he Archdiocese of Autun.  Witnesses were interviewed and the results sent to Pope John XXII who pronounced this a Eucharistic Miracle.  The cloth was placed in a crystal reliquary and at times paraded around the village of Blanot. 

In the 18th century, the Bishop of Autun examined the cloth and determined that the Blood was still bright red and that the cloth had not disintegrated over the hundreds of years that had past.   

During the French Revolution, the reliquary was hidden by nuns and parishioners. Once the revolution was over, it was returned to the church in Blanot.  


The church of Blanot underwent a major restoration in 1957 and today, over 650 years after the original miracle in 1331,

the cloth may be viewed in the crystal reliquary housed in the wall of this rather obscure church on the Route de Liernais in Blanot, France. 

Why does Our Lord give us these visual Eucharistic Miracles? He doesn't have to, but He knows that we need them sometimes to believe.  At times we are like Saint Thomas and need to see to believe. "Then Jesus told him, because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet they believed." John 20:29 

But know that even when we do not "see" the transformation of the Holy Eucharist, He is there - really truly present - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  

For devotional items related to the Catholic Church, please visit Lynn's Timeless Treasures

Index of Eucharistic Miracles 

Picture of the reliquary holding the relic of the miracle from - The Real Presence
Pictures of the front of the church in Blanot from Friends of La Plaine Blanot
Picture of the procession of the crystal relic from The Eucharistic Miracles of the World, page 43.
Pictures of the interior of the church of Blanot from 

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