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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Holy Eucharist - Eucharistic Miracle - Boxtel, Netherlands - 1380

Eucharistic Miracle
Boxtel, Netherlands 1380
Feast Day - Trinity Sunday

Boxtel located in southern Netherlands, was founded by the von Boxtel family in the Middle Ages on the high ground near the river Dommel.  The earliest mention of a church dates back to 1293. 

Eucharistic Miracle 

In 1380, the priest Eligius van der Aker was celebrating Mass at St. Peter's Church in Boxtel. Similar to what happened in Alkmaar in 1429, after the consecration of the white wine into the Blood of Christ, Fr. van der Aker spilled the chalice holding the precious Blood.  The Blood spilled onto the corporal and the altar linens.  The stains turned Blood Red.  Father attempted to remove the stains but it was in vain.  Frightened by the miracle, he hid the corporal under his bed. 

It was not until he was on his death bed that he revealed his sin to his confessor, Fr. Henrijk van Meerheim who immediately informed Cardinal Pileus who was apostolic legate of Pope Urban VI.  On June 25, 1380 the Cardinal authorized a decree of veneration of the relic of the Blood on the corporal.

St. Peter's Church was enlarged in the 14th century in the Gothic style.  Foundations of this were discovered in 1918. 

 In 1469 a brick tower was built for the church bell.  Around 1551 construction of the holy Blood Chapel began on the north side of the church.

  By 1650 the parish was taken over by the Protestant Church, the relics were moved to Hoogstraten and the Catholics were forced to say Mass elsewhere.

  In 1823 the Catholic community took back possession of St. Peter's, reconsecrating it November 27, 1827. 

In 1924, the corporal relic with the Holy Blood was returned to St. Peter's Church in Boxtel for veneration.  The program representing the return is shown above. 

The picture above shows crowds filling the streets surrounding St. Peter's Church to welcome the Holy Blood home in 1924. Below is a picture of the main altar inside St. Peter's Church with the relic of the Blood under the Crucifix.   


On October 7, 2012, St. Peter's in Boxtel was elevated to a basilica.  On Trinity Sunday every year there is a large procession through the streets of Boxtel and celebration revolving around the relic of the Holy Blood. The corporal with the Holy Blood is encased in a rim of gold brocade and kept on the altar of the Epiphany Chapel.  The Blood can still 
be seen.

St. Peter's is located at Oude Kerkstraat 20, 5281 AP Boxtel.

But we do not have to go all the way to Boxtel, Netherlands to witness a Eucharistic Miracle.  Our Lord comes to us Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity every time we celebrate Mass.  
For devotional items related to the Catholic Church, please visit Lynn's Timeless Treasures.  
Index of Eucharistic Miracles 


Photo of Saint Peter's Basilica Boxtel 
Photo of panel depicting the Eucharistic Miracle of Boxtel

Program for the return of the Holy Blood and photo of crowds waiting for the Holy Blood return.
Photo of the main altar 

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