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Friday, January 12, 2024

Articles and Videos of Interest January - June 2024 (McCullough Peer Reviewed COVID Vaccine Article, Dr. Zelenko, COVID, CIA, Vaccines, Senator Ron Johnson, Tucker Carlson, Military Industrial Complex, Censorship)


Covid 19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign - by M. Nathaniel Mead, Stephanie Seneff Russ Wolfinger, Jessica Rose, Kris Denhaerynck Steve Kirsch, Peter A. McCullough (January 24, 2024)
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign - same as above (National Library of Medicine)

EXCELLENT Roundtable by Senator Ron Johnson (Feb 26, 2024)

THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections B Y DAVID J OH N S OR E NS E N & DR . VL ADIMIR ZE L E NK O MD V E R S I O N 1 . 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1

Senator Ron Johnson leas a roundtable discussion on what are Federal Health Agencies Hiding.  
Speakers expose how the COVID Cartel (federal health agencies Big Pharma, legacy media
and Big Tech) engage in censorship and coverups.  Speakers include: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. 
Jessica Rose, Mr. Ed Dowd, Mr. Kevin McKernan, Dr. David Gortler, Dr. Harvey Risch, Ms. 
Barbara Loe Fisher, Dr. Brian Hooker, Mr. Del Bigtree, Dr. Sabine Hazan, Dr. Pierre Kory, 
Dr. Christian Perronne, Dr. Raphael Lataster, Ms. Lara Logan, Mr. Jason Christoff, Mr. Rodney
Palmer, Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Bret Weinstein,  Mr. Randy Hillier, Dr. Sorin Titus Mancacius, 
Mr. Rob Roos, Mr. Phillip Kruse

January 12, 2024 - The Excess Death Elephant in the Room (Highwire) 

January 12, 2024 - Court Decision Forces CDC to Release V-Safe 'Free Text' Data (Highwire) 

January 12, 2024 - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene leads a Hearing on Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines  or try this link

EXCLUSIVE: Veterans Affairs Found Safety Signal for Pfizer COVID Vaccine, Never Disclosed It.” (from Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid January 15, 2024) It was even more embarrassing for the government than the headline suggested.

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Fauci deservedly gets all the hate, but slippery CDC official Tom Shimabukuro is just as culpable and maybe even more directly responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths and injuries from the vaccines. He should be just as well known as Fauci. While Fauci was appearing as the official face of the pandemic on every rapper’s podcast to push the jabs, Shimabukuro was the one behind the scenes holding the pillow smothering legitimate scientists and ensuring nothing made the jabs look bad.

Through public records requests, Epoch got hold of an email from the Veteran’s Administration showing the CDC was told about the myocarditis signal on May 13, 2021 — right after the jab campaign started — and even though the agency would deny the obvious connection between the vaccines and heart problems until nearly a year later in 2022, long after most young people had already been vaccinated.

Here’s the May 2021 email from a VA doctor to the CDC official in charge of the covid vaccines, Dr. Shimabukuro:

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“We have a signal for myocarditis/pericarditis…with Pfizer vaccine following the 1st dose,” VA doctor Fran Cunningham wrote to Dr. Shimabukuro on May 13, 2021. Dr. Cunningham, who is probably worried about keeping her job, did not answer Epoch’s calls or emails. When asked about the agency’s lack of response to Cunningham’s email, a CDC spokesman told Epoch flatly that the VA later determined the signal “was not a true signal.”

Really. But how? How did they determine it was “not a true signal?” I mean, however you slice it, it was a true signal, as the CDC would finally admit over a year later. Is the CDC saying the VA’s particular signal was wrong, even though in a bigger picture way it was right? Was it more likely the VA determined it was “not a true signal” because they were told it was not a true signal and to shut up fast?

In May 2021, there were plenty of other signals of jab problems besides the VA email, such as everything flooding into VAERS. And the person at the CDC who made sure nobody found out about the problems was Dr. Tom Shimabukuro.

February 15, 2024 The Highwire Episode 359 Safeguarding Vaccines Exemptions with Aaron Siri

February 16, 2024 - Tucker Carlson interviews Mike Benz on Censorship and the Military Industrial Complex

April 21, 2024 FACT CHECK: CDC Lies [Again] About C-19 Vax/Injuries

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For those not aware, on April 11 the CDC released a report that alleges there is no link between COVID-19 vaccination and sudden cardiac death in young people. If that lie wasn't made by a government agency with legal implications - I would laugh at it.

Unsurprisingly, the lamestream media has jumped all over it, frothing at the mouth - eager to spread this misinformation as some sort of ‘gotcha’ - directed at those who oppose these experimental gene therapy products.

In case you missed the CDC report, here’s a quick breakdown of it, as reported by ‘The Defender’ a publication of Children’s Health Defense.

“The study — published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) — came from Oregon public health authorities’ analysis of roughly 1,300 death certificates of Oregon residents ages 16-30 who died from a heart condition or unknown reasons between June 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2022.

Forty deaths occurred among people who received a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and only three occurred within 100 days after vaccination, the authors said.

The authors examined the death certificate data to determine what coroners listed as the cause(s) of death.

Of the three deaths that occurred within 100 days of COVID-19 vaccination, two were attributed to chronic underlying conditions. The cause of death for the third was undetermined, they said. Meanwhile, they said 30 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 infection.”

So, they cherry picked data from one state - just 1,300 people- and they limited the study period to 100 days post-injection. Experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of Children's Health Defense (CHD), claim that the CDC's study was flawed and that its authors neglected to mention numerous earlier studies that linked the COVID-19 vaccination to cardiac issues. Critics of the report argue that the authors of the study failed to use appropriate search terms for finding possible cases of cardiac death related to COVID-19 vaccination.

May 2 2024 CoV Subcommittee Questions Peter Daszak

Issues report of findings that we've known for two years. By John Leake 

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