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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Eucharistic Miracle - Buenos Aires - 1996

Eucharistic Miracle
Buenos Aires - 1996 

On September 8, 2015, my husband and I received a tearful phone call from our son that sent us to our knees.  Our son's bride of less than two months was undergoing a biopsy on her lymph nodes. The doctor suspected Hodkins Lymphoma.  A week later the diagnosis was conclusive - Stage 4 Hodkins Lymphoma.  The treatment, six rounds of chemo which we would learn meant, 12 infusions of chemo therapy given every other week for six months.

The newlyweds, Richard and Melissa, were blessed with an incredible medical team, a devoted family that surrounded them with love and support at every level, and a large prayer circle lovingly referred to as "Our Family of Prayer," that has prayed daily since September for not only the petitions of Richard and Melissa but for all needs of everyone in our Family of Prayer.

After two rounds (four infusions of chemo) Melissa had her first PET scan.  We received the results of the PET just as Melissa was preparing for her fifth infusion November 30.  It was a Thanksgiving Miracle and answer to prayer.  Her PET scan was clear.

Every week during Melissa's treatment I have put up a synopsis of an approved Eucharistic Miracle. Today I put up the 27th blog post in this series.  It will also be the last blog in this series for yesterday on Easter Tuesday (March 29, 2016) we received news that Melissa's PET remains clear and that she truly is CANCER FREE! Thanks be to God!

Eucharistic Miracle 
"Do not see in the bread and wine merely natural elements, because the Lord has expressly said that they are His body and His blood:  faith assures you of this, though your senses suggest otherwise." (Saint Cyril of Jerusalem)

One of the most important teachings of the Catholic Church is one of the most difficult teachings we are asked to believe, that Jesus is really present in the bread and wine consecrated by the priest during the Holy Mass,  Meaning, the Eucharist, the Consecrated Host Catholic's eat at every sacrifice of the Mass, is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Creator of the World.  God understands that many of us need help to believe this and from time to time provides us with miracles and proof to help us understand and believe that He is truly present in the Eucharist.  The Eucharist is the supreme Gift of God - a total miracle - for it is in this that He give us Himself.

This weeks Eucharistic Miracle ties in with the first Eucharistic Miracle I posted months ago on Lanciano from the year 750 AD.  Coming full circle so to speak, and tying all together just as Our Lord always does. Lanciano and Buenos Aires both underwent a number of scientific testings.  The first for Lanciano in 1971 and the first for Buenos Aires in 1999.  Both scientific testings concluded that in both Lanciano and Buenos Aires the tissue was living tissue (at the time of testing), it was absent of any preservative, the blood type was AB, and the tissue of origin, the left ventricle  of the myocardium, the human heart.

This Eucharistic Miracle took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina - August 18, 1996.  At evening Mass celebrated by Fr Alejandro Pezet a woman came to Father revealing that a Host has been discarded on a candle-holder at the back of the church.  Father Alejandro placed the Host in a container of water and placed it in the Tabernacle as was protocol for non-consumed Consecrated Hosts.

On August 26, 1996, Fr. Alejandro returned to see what he thought would be a container of water with no evidence of the Host, the Host being dissolved. Instead he found that the Host had turned into a bloody substance.  He informed Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) who gave instruction that the Host be professionally photographed and eventually scientifically analyzed.  The following is a video of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires.

The Church of Saint Mary (Parroquia Santa Maria) is located at Av. La Plata 286, Buenos Aires.  

For devotional items related to the Catholic faith, please visit Lynn's Timeless Treasures.  

Index of Eucharistic Miracles

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