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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Eucharistic Miracle - Augsburg, Germany - 1194

Eucharistic Miracle
Augsburg, Germany - 1194
"I am with you always,
 until the end of the age."

Augsburg, Germany which lies at the convergence of the rivers Lech and Wertach, was founded in 15 BC as Augusta Vindelicorum by Emperor Augustus.

In the 4th century, the Prince-Bishopric of Augsburg was formed.  A prince-bishop is a religious bishop who is also the civil governor of a secular principality. In the 6th century the Catholic Diocese of Augsburg was established.  And by 1276, Augsburg had gained Free Imperial Status and became politically independent of the Prince-Bishopric of Augsburg. 

Eucharistic Miracle 

In 1194 a woman took the Eucharist but did not consume It. Instead she brought It to her home and encased It in wax. Her purpose was not to commit sacrilege but rather to reserve the Holy Eucharist in her home where she could adore It daily. 

By 1199 the woman had an internal conviction that her actions had been wrong and she confessed her action to Fr. Berthold of the Convent of the Heilig Kreuz.  Fr. Berthold had her bring the Host to the convent.  When he opened the wax container he saw that the Host had transformed into bleeding Flesh, and had divided into two parts connected by threads of Flesh. 

Bishop Udalskalk proclaimed this a Eucharistic Miracle and the Host was placed into a crystal monstrance for the public to worship. From Easter Sunday until the Feast of Saint John the Baptist on June 24th, the Host was observed to grow and swell.  

In 1200 the Count of Rechberg supplied a rectangular vessel to hold the Host for adoration. It remains in this vessel today.  


The Heilig Kreuz Kirche (Holy Cross Church ) of Augsburg dates back to 1143 when a chapel was constructed on the site.  The Gothic style church seen today was built by Provost Vitus Fackler in 1508. Eucharistic adoration of this Holy Miracle has not always occurred.  During the early years of the Reformation from 1517, the Host was hidden. In 1537 the Catholic Church was back out of hiding and the Host was brought out in a Eucharistic procession for the town to adore. 

In 1538 the Host went into "exile" again until 1548. In 1632 Eucharistic adoration was expended yet again under rule by the Swedes. In 1800 the French marched on Augsburg and Our Lord still in hiding, was protected by the faithful.

In 1932 Our Lord in the Miraculous Host was handed over to the Sons of St. Dominic at the Parish of the Holy Cross in Augsburg. Eucharistic adoration of the miracle was growing but short lived.   On the night of February 25, 1944, Holy Cross Church was bombed by Allied forces.  Fr. Marianus is recorded as saving the Host and taking it to a monastery in Ottmar and finally Affing, Germany.  By 1945 Our Lord in this precious Miracle He provided for the faithful was back at Holy Cross Church in Augsburg.  


The miraculous Host has been kept, quite remarkably, in perfect condition for over 800 years. And obviously this has not been easy. Several analyses have been completed on the Host and It has always been confirmed through these investigations to be human blood.  

This miracle in Augsburg bears witness to Jesus' words, "Surely I am with you always, to the end of the age."  (Matthew 28:20)

Yet, we do not have to go all the way to Germany to witness the Eucharistic Miracle.  Our Lord comes to us every time we are blessed to receive Him, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity at Mass during Eucharist.  Happy are those who are called to the Supper of the Lamb

For devotional items related to the Catholic faith, please visit Lynn's Timeless Treasures

Index of Eucharistic Miracles

Picture of the Convent of Heilig Kreutz (Holy Cross) - Wikipedia 
Picture of the rectangular vessal from the History of Wunderbar Lichen Good Augsburg 
Close up of the miraculous Host from Gloria.TV

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