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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Eucharistic Miracle - Herkenrode-Hasselt, Belgium 1317

Eucharistic Miracle
Herkenrode-Hasselt, Belgium - 1317
St. Quintinus 

Hasselt was founded around the 7th century on the Helbeek which is a tributary of the Demer River.  By 1366 it became part of the Prince-Bishopric of Liege and remained so until it was annexed to France in 1794. Today the city lies about 46 miles east of Brussels in Belgium.  One of the oldest buildings in the town center of Hasselt is St. Quintinus Cathedral which dates back to the 11th and 12th century. This is the current home of the Eucharistic Miracle of Herkenrode-Hasselt.  

Eucharistic Miracle 

On July 25, 1317, the pastor of Saint Quintinus in Viversel (current picture of church shown above -located at Kerkstraat 36, Viversel) was called to give Last Rights and Communion to a parishioner.

While the priest was hearing the confession of the man, a family member went through the priest's bag and found the Consecrated Host that was going to be used for Communion during the sacrament of Last Rights.  The family  member did not remove the Host, but did touch it.  

When the priest came to get the Host for Communion, he discovered that it was covered with Blood  and stuck to the linen of the bag.  

This Host was not used for Communion that day.  On August 1, It was taken to the Abbey of Herkenrode, 3 miles to the south (located at Zolderse Kiezel 200, 3511 Kuringen, Belgium), where it was shown to the nuns.  The Host that was stained with Blood by then also contained the image of the face of Christ crowned with thorns.  Many of the religious witnessed this.

Tests were done on this Host in the 18th century by the Apostolic Nuncio Carafa and the Bishop of Liege and it was declared a Eucharistic Miracle. 

The Sacred Host remained with the sisters at the Abbey until 1796 when they were expelled from their convent by the French Revolution.  

The Sacred Host was then hidden by different families who kept it in a metal box in their homes.  

In 1804 the Host was taken in solemn procession from hiding to the Saint Quintinus Church located at Vismarkt, 3500, Hasselt, Belgium. This is four miles south of the Abbey and about seven miles south of the Saint Quintinus Church of Viversel. 

Saint Quintinus Church dates back to the 11th century.  In the 14th century it was given a Gothic architectural "update". 

Today the Sacred Host from the Eucharistic Miracle of 1317 can still be viewed.  It is perfectly preserved and held in a Reliquary where it can be venerated by the faithful.  In 1967, Saint Quintinus was elevated to a cathedral.  

We do not have to go all the way to Belgium to witness a Eucharistic Miracle.  Our Lord comes to us every time we are blessed to receive Him, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity at Mass during Eucharist.  Happy are those who are called to the Supper of the Lamb

For devotional items related to the Catholic faith, please visit Lynn's Timeless Treasures

Index of Eucharistic Miracles

Picture of St.Quintins from Wikipedia 
Picture of current St. Quirinus Church, Viversel, Belgium from Wikipedia
Picture of the Abbey of Herkenrode from European Charter of Abbey sites.

Picture of interior of St. Quintins from Wikipedia 

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