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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Vaccines A Deep Dive: Be Informed and Do Your Own Research


This post is for informational purposes.  Do your own research.  I went down this rabbit hole after my 58 year old brother-in-law died less than 48 hours after recieving his second Pfizer vaccine for COVID 19 in April 2021.  After having no issues from the vaccine he fell asleep in a chair in front of the TV and never woke up.  My deep dive lead me from COVID vaccine to all vaccines.  I remain open minded, but now do my research before ever taking another vaccine again. At the time of his death when we reported to VAERS there were less than 1,000 deaths associated to this vaccine. As of this writing, (Sept 2024) on VAERS there are close to 37,000 death associated with this vaccine, but the vaccine is still being pushed on the market.  In 1976 the swine flu vaccine program was halted after about 200 people developed Guillain Barre syndrome. What has changed? Anyway the following is just provided for informational purposes only.  Do your own research.  The followings charts, videos, articles and books may help answer questions and offer informed consent when consenting to a vaccine in the future.   As always I bid you peace and blessings in this journey of life. 


Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age 2024 

Clinical Trials with or without placebo  (None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children were licensed by the FDA based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial)


Get Informed - ICAN - Informational Videos on Vaccines (plethora of information if you want to really go down the rabbit hole)  

Protecting Vaccine Exemptions with ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri - September 2023 
This video discusses childhood vaccines, mandates and exemptions.  Do vaccines stop the spread of disease? (timestamp 14:00) "It is important to note that FDA's licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission." FDA September 5, 2023 (22:00) In 1980 there were only 3 vaccines on the childhood list.  These caused so much harm that the vaccine manufacturers demanded immunity.  In 1986 Congress gave the vaccine manufacturers with vaccines on the childhood list immunity with the National Childhood Vaccine Act. (1:05)  What is a good clinical trial? (1:14) Were any vaccines on the childhood vaccine list tested against a placebo?  No. (Also see the book Turtles All the Way Down listed below) Do vaccines cause autism? (1:23) 

Highwire Del Bigtree: Episode 347: Vaccine Experts Under Oath - November 2023
This video is a discussion between Aaron Siri and Del Bigtree on vaccine's and features videos of vaccine experts. Stanley Plotkin(15:32) Article 2013 - New Report Reveals that the U.S. has the highest first-day infant death rate of all the industrial countries in the world. Article 2023 - Infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2022 rose 3% from 2021, the first year-to-year increase since 2001.  Why is that? (21:28) Vaccine post licensure (22:00) Vaccines that parents with injured children feel cause autism are HepB, DTaP, MMR (24:40) Dr. Bernadine Healy on susceptibility to vaccines in children (27:00) One study thrown out that found correlation between DTaP and autism (31:00) Dr. Kathryn Edwards (39:00) Religious exemption (48:00)

Highwire Del Bigtree: Episode 352: The Informed Consent Imperative December 2023 (Aaron Siri presents 'What is Informed Consent' before members of the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee in Arizona. Explains the pillars of informed consent and the essential tenant of freedom and liberty.) 

Highwire Del Bigtree: Episode 359: Safeguarding Vaccine Exemptions with Aaron Siri February 2024 (Second of two presentations to Arizona's Novel Coronavirus Committee.  Explains vaccine exemptions both religious and medical) 

Highwire Del Bigtree: Episode 378: Siri Testifies: New Hampshire "Market Forces" June 2024 (Aaron Siri, gives expert testimony on COVID Response Efficacy)

Highwire Del Bigtree - Episode 379: Siri Testifies: New Hampshire "Clinical Trials"  June 2024 (Aaron Siri's expert testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy.  Testimony drills down on serious concerning missteps with regulators handling of vaccine safety.)

Highwire Del Bigtree - Episode 388: Aaron Siri Testifies: New Hampshire "Post-Licensure Safety" Sept 2024 (ICAN's lead attorney Aaron Siri exposes the shortcomings of post-licensure safety, and shatters the claim that the connection between vaccines and autism has been 'thoroughly studied.') 


Video Documentary - VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe (2016)

Video Documentary - VAXXED II: The People's Truth (2023)

Video Documentary - VAXXED III: Authorized to Kill (2024)

Books and Articles 

First Chapter Turtles All the Way Down (Explanation on how vaccines should be tested and how they are tested) 

If you are considering vaccines for your children take a look at Dr. Paul Thomas' The Vaccine Friendly Plan .  Also read this article by Dr Thomas The Alarming Rise in Autism and Chronic Childhood Health Issues (September 19, 2024).  Coming soon (fall 2024) Vax Facts: What to consider before vaccinating at all ages and all stages of life book by Dr. Paul Thomas and DeeDee Hoover

Article - STD Vaccine that Exploited Cancer Fears (HPV Vaccine Part 1):  In this two-part series learn what HV is and how big a threat it is.  The article also looks at the creation of the vaccine and its effect on cervical cancer rates.  For informational use only.  Be informed.  

Article - STD Predatory Shot Peddlers (HPV Vaccine Part 2): This part dives into the marketing machine behind the HPV Gardasil shot and the safety risks. For informational use only.  Be informed.    

Article - 10 Years after HHS asked CDC to Study Safety of Childhood Vaccine Schedule, CDC Hasn't Produced it by Brian Hooker August 2023

Article - 58% of Infant Deaths Reported to VAERS occurred within 3 Days of Vaccination Research Shows by Brian Hooker August 2021 

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