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Saturday, September 28, 2024

2024 Election: What is Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's Stance on Abortion

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion"; these occur in approximately 30% to 40% of all pregnancies. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage". The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion. The most common reasons women give for having an abortion are for birth-timing and limiting family size. Wikipedia  

My definition of abortion is: One heart stops and another heart breaks. I am a pro-life Catholic.  I have attended the Walk for Life and written about Pro-Life vs. Pro-ChoiceRoe v. Wade, Margaret Sanger, and Planned Parenthood over the years. Every election cycle my decision for which candidate to vote for is made on the candidates pro-life stance. Or as in the last three presidential elections, which candidate is most pro-life.  

As a Catholic it is a moral duty to vote.  So I must think, decide, and make my vote according to my conscience.  I pray that the Holy Spirit makes my conscience well formed to discern moral truth. After I access both political parties and each candidate, then using the Catholic view of moral truth, I choose the candidate that has the higher moral truth according to my conscience. Fr. Kirby's homily explains this better than I can.

The following are some of the videos, articles, and statistics that I used to help determine my vote.  Do your own research, follow your conscience, and make your own decision.        

Harris vs. Trump on Abortion by the Washington Post (September 10, 2024)

                                                     Kamala's Georgia Speech on Abortion 

                                     Tony Levatino A Former Abortion Doctor Speaks Out 

Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access as of 2024 by GuttmacherNo gestational ban is available in 9 states and DC.  These states to not restrict abortion based on gestational duration.  

Are infants born alive after abortion? YES (for more information see Abortion Survivors Network)
A “born alive abortion” is a failed abortion resulting in an infant's live birth. Currently, 0.21% of infants survive abortions, but that figure is rising. In 2020 alone, an estimated 1,927 infants were born alive after abortion in the United States.

What happens if a baby is born alive after an abortion?

Whether care for a child born alive after an attempted abortion is legally required currently depends on the state. Ideally the baby would receive life saving care. Currently 31 states do not adequately protect the lives of infants who survive abortion.  As a result healthcare workers have reported infants being left to die after a failed abortion.   On this site scroll down to "Addition Pro-Life Maps" and click on "Born-Alive Protections" here you will find what states require.  Born Alive legislation would help ensure that all infants born after failed abortions are given life saving care. 

117th Congress (2022) In the 117th Congress, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection bill (HR 619) received the support of nearly all GOP members of the House but failed to garner any Democrat support.

118th Congress (2023) Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (HR 26) Currently (9/2024) it has passed the House

Watch the video below for an honest conversation between two former abortionists and two abortion survivors

Is Abortion Ever Medically Necessary? Check out the videos below.

Many believe that children of rape should be aborted. takes on the question of rape and abortion by documenting the stories of children who were born after their mothers were raped.  

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